Christian Heryakusuma
From Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Previously at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Worked as Research assistant at ITB with project focus on production of recombinant dengue non-structural protein 1 for manufacturing and validation of dengue diagnostic kits and Chemistry tutor for senior high school student at A Plus Study Center
Research interest I am focus on redox metabolism of methanogenic archaea that foster their communication with other microorganisms within gut microbiome, which in turn affects the host’s physiology. I am very captivated with this research because a clear understanding of the process involved in the biochemical communication among gut microorganisms will open the doorway to the discovery of new concepts in health and disease such as autoimmune disorders, obesity, and type 2 diabetes
Advisor Biswarup Mukhopadhyay (Biochemistry)
Primary Track Life Sciences
Secondary Tracks Computer Science
Hobbies In the spare times, I love to play games. I also enjoy culinary tourism and choir